Simon Says Codes

Simon Says Codes - Created by Simon Says Jaminio at Roblox. Simon Says has received nearly 5 million visits since its inception, and has been added to his favorite games by fifty thousand players. The number of Like reached fifteen thousand and the number of Disslike reached five thousand. A total of 17 players at the same time the game on a server ilyor.Simon says the game amaco Simon do what they say. For example, before the round comes on your screen Simon says Do Not Move, you can earn points by not moving in the round. Before the round starts Simon is selected You can choose from the previous round if you want to be Simon. In this way, you will be the other person as the competitor, you will be the person to assign. Copy the codes from the list of Simon Says codes shared on Twitter by the makers of the game. Then enter the code with the Twitter logo at the bottom right and you can get the prize by pasting the codes below. You can spend your coins in the market.

Simon Says Codes List




